ALVARO'S CALIENTE GRAYAlvaro's Caliente Gray, part of Daniel Smith's Signature Series is one of the six greys released in 2019, each created with a renowned artist in mind. This warm gray is one of two that Alvaro Castagnet was behind. It is an energetic and warm velvety grey. I used only a couple other colors to for this fun image of two penguins at the Woodland Park Zoo. It mixed beautifully with Manganese Blue Hue to cool down the shadows and Rich Green Gold to warm them up. Alavaro's Caliente Gray was so perfect on own, that I needed only a slight very watery wash to move the warmth one direction or another. This is a semi-transparent but non-granulating gray and so far, even though this is only day one of "why do I need so many grays and blacks", I may already be swayed a little.
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SOUL“I am a contemplative artist who has trouble accessing verbal skills. Finding the right words to talk about the amazing things I observe around me can be frustrating. It is much more natural for me to pick up a paintbrush, some embroidery floss or my camera when I wish to share some new discovery. The artwork I create is meant to be enjoyed on whatever level the viewer experiences it and not layered with complex meaning. Feathers, fur, flowers and the incredible variation I find in wildlife not only inspire me, but compel me to share every nuance with you. Archives
July 2024